Friday, September 7, 2012

Currently: September!!

Thanks to Farley at Oh Boy in Fourth Grade for this month's "Currently"!  Let's just say, I have a lot of favorite things....but the soda machine down the hall has been my saving grace for caffeine this week.  Can I get an AMEN?!!


  1. Good luck on learning the blogging thing! I'm still trying to figure everything out! ;) Our vending machine guy came by today and stocked the candy and chips...but not the soda machine. Eek! Not good.

    I'm your newest follower!

    ★ First-Graders from Outer Space ★

  2. Whoa whoa whoa.....candy? Chips?
    Yeah, I'm totally blog stalking u French!,


  3. TPRI testing....

    What is sold without the /s/ sound?


    Gotta love it and I am looking forward to reading the stories to my dear little ones starting Monday. =)

    I am your newest follower. Come visit me if you get the chance. I have several TPRI *freebies* on my blog. =)

    Heather's Heart

  4. Hello! I am visiting from Farley's Currently Blog Hop! I love your blog design. Since you are new to blogging, come on over to my blog and check out the giveaways I've got going on now and join me for a linky party sometime! :) Maria
